Friday, March 18, 2011

T.T (D.i.s.s.a.p.o.i.n.t.e.d )

As i already know,.. my acc has been disabled by Adsense. Gosh! so many rules with T&C for them... Its ok, i'm not for begging u to give me some money. I dont even care anymore. For me, theres are many opportunity can get more money than u... I know u're big name.. big company.. but i, i can earn money without helping u out!... thanks a lot!...

Dont worry, this is not me! I know i can face it.. i am not giving up. Allah maha penyayang.. and Allah maha mengetahui. God can give me the light to show me the rite way.Only GOD can give the answer where i earn some money with the rite way. Well, i'm not feeling depressed or being physcho maniac because i've been rejected!...

Anyway, thank you Allah SWT.. for show me the way how to be a cool person, even i feel disappointed!

p/s : Jamy, kuatkan semangat.. ur friends always support you no matter what. =)


  1. hu hu hu...
    kudukot tul si AdSense...
    tp, betol gak... ingat sesenang org nak bg USD100 dlm ms 2 minggu!
    fadannn muka aku!

    sabar yer riena... meh kita cuba jaya sesama!
    insya allah... ada rezeki kita nanti

  2. hehehe... yeah.. masih ingin mencuba lagi ni.. tp tgh pikir apa yg perlu di buat skang... hurrrmmm...
